Jacob - Game Dev Mentor - for code club

Jacob - Game Dev Mentor

Jacob is a Game Dev Club mentor and Umbreon fan

   Hey there, future game developers! My name's Jacob, and I’m super excited to be your mentor on this epic coding adventure! :video_game::sparkles:


I’ve had the joy of mentoring in all kinds of creative areas—singing, dancing, and songwriting—before diving into the awesome world of game development and coding.


I’m a huge fan of games, especially Pokémon! My favorite is Umbreon—it just looks so cool! I love getting lost in the stories created in games and exploring open worlds.

During club time, I love diving into your ideas and helping you turn them into reality. I’ll guide you with code, and we’ll have a blast doing it!

In my spare time, you can find me making music, hanging out with my two crazy cats, or most likely playing games!  

Can't find a forever block? No worries just use Repeat 999999999999 block instead

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