The Next Game Jam is Coming!

Are you ready to take part in a new coding challenge? We’ve finally left January behind which means half term is around the corner - that means it’s time for another Game Jam at The Code Zone!

The Next Game Jam is Coming

For those that are new to The Code Zone, a Game Jam is a coding challenge that we run throughout the year during half terms and school holidays. We give you a theme, and it’s your job to make a game or animation based around that theme! This is an opportunity to be creative and put your coding knowledge to the test - but if you need a helping hand our mentors are only a message away. 

Previous themes have included; the cowboy themed Showdown, Olympics themed Mascot Mayhem, and the spooky Halloween themed Don’t Look Under The Bed. We’re not quite ready to announce the theme for the upcoming Game Jam just yet, so keep an eye on our social media where we’ll reveal the theme for the upcoming Game Jam very soon!

As always if you need a helping hand with your Game Jam project, our mentors are always happy to help. If you’re a member of our live online Game Dev Clubs you’ll have the opportunity to work on your Game Jam project during your weekly club, while members of Game Dev Academy can ask questions using the chat and receive helpful video messages from their mentor. 

What if you don’t want to build a game from scratch? Then you can use one of our super helpful base games to get started! Our base games come in different types; from platformers to infinite runners to clicker style games. The base games contain some pre-built code to give our coders a head start but it’s still up to our coders to add in extra features to make it fit the theme of the Game Jam!

At the end of the Game Jam, members can share their projects to the Game Jam tab on the dashboard. This is where other members can play your game and give you XP for all of your hard work! 

We also always show off the cool projects our members have been working on through blog posts and videos on Facebook and Instagram, so make sure you check back to see what our coders have been up to!

The next Game Jam starts on February 10th and we can’t wait to see what our members come up with. The Game Jam is open to all members of The Code Zone, that means you can try for as little as £5 per month with Game Dev Academy Starter!

Not sure if our clubs are for you? Book a FREE taster session in one of our online clubs today!

We’ll see you at the Game Jam…

Happy coding!


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