The Code Zone's Reaction to the Online Safety Act

Technology companies will have to take more action to keep children safe on the internet, following the introduction of the Online Safety Act.

The Code Zone's Reaction to the Online Safety Act

At The Code Zone, our ethos is making online learning fun and accessible with a high priority on online safety for all of our members. That is why we are thrilled to hear that other tech companies are following suit in taking more action to keep children safe online with the introduction of the Online Safety Act. 

The Online Safety Act, which comes into force in 2025, enforces social media companies and search engines to put measures in place to protect children from harmful material. Though the emphasis of the Online Safety Act is on social media and search engines, we believe everyone and anyone with an online presence and influence have a responsibility to create a safe environment for all children online. Which is why all of our trusted mentors at The Code Zone carry an enhanced DBS check and undergo extensive training in child online safety, children's welfare and safeguarding before they even meet any of our young coders. Our priority is keeping children safe online, as well as giving them the skills needed to use technology safely and responsibly. 

According to the BBC, children between the ages of 8 and 17 are spending up to 5 hours online a day. However it is important to note that, according to Ofcom, over half of the children over 12 believe that being online is good for their mental health. So instead of denying children's time online, we need to instead ensure that the experience is a safe and positive one. 

Though the Online Safety Act is a great step forward, it is still essential to take steps in helping your child navigate the web.  

-Talk to children about online safety regularly
-Be interested and invested about how they spend their time online
-Explore their online activities together; learn about your children's favourite apps, websites and games
-Discuss online rules as a family, listening to what is important and interesting to your children's online experience whilst also keeping them safe
-Get to know who your children are talking to online
-Understand parental controls and supervised accounts for different apps and devices

You can find out more information about how to navigate the online world with your child on our other blog here

If you or your child are ever in doubt or want to talk to us about children's online safety, please reach out to our mentors and have a conversation. 

Have fun and stay safe!

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