Hacker Highlight: Sword Thrower
Finishing off this week strong with our latest Game Dev Club Hacker Game: Sword Thrower!

Finishing off this week strong with our latest Game Dev Club Hacker Game: Sword Thrower!
This game takes good-timing and patience as the player has to throw their sword at a spinning log ten times in order to split it. Once split, the player moves onto the next level where a new log is set up ready for striking. For every sword the player gets in the log, they receive 100 points which accumulates with each level. But be careful... if you end up striking a sword already in the log with another one when throwing, it is game over!
For this week's Guided Hack, we looked into ways we could give the player even more points. We decided to add a bonus apple which would need to be struck in order to receive an extra 300 points - yes please! We first create a new sprite which had two costumes; one where the apple was in tact and one where it is split in half. We did this so we could add a fun animation and sound for when the apple was struck - super cool!
We then made the apple hide on the game start, and only randomly appear when a new level began. We then coded it so that the apple would wait until it was touched by a throwing sword, once this condition was met it would swap its costume to a cut-in-half apple, add 300 points to the player's score before waiting half a second and disappearing. One of the greatest things about this hack is that it can be adjusted so that the apple appears more or less frequently and the amount of points gained can be adjusted as well.
In addition to the Guided Hack, we also tackled a few of more of our favourites. From high-score mechanics, to splinter animation, background changes and faster throwing speeds. My hackers also came up with some fantastic themes for this game such as throwing axes in the forests to aliens landing on the moon.
Don't forget that our Game Jam is happening this week! The theme is Robot Rivals - you still have this weekend to get coding!